Saturday, April 11, 2015


This stuff with my little girl is killing me.

I am so helpless in all of this. I feel like things are always “unique” and I can't ever find a place to express my anger. I am not allowed to be mad at "the boy" for touching Bella because he's down syndrome.  I can't be mad at "my friend" who was responsible for Bella when it happened  because we share the same social network. 

But I feel so angry. 
So so angry. 
I feel like I am on the verge of a breakdown.

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1 comment:

  1. I' m worried I am going to write the wrong thing. I was molested by my cousin and great-uncle. My family members didn't know until I was 17. Then it came out that the great-uncle had molested several other family members. My grandparents had us all keep it to ourselves and not confront the uncle and his wife. I went to therapy for all of this. That helped a lot. Being able to talk about it helped a lot. I am glad she told you. It's so unfair for her and you to have to go through this.
