
    According to the most recent studies (2005 and 2009) somewhere between 60-70% of 
men under age 30 intentionally view pornography at least once every week
    15-30% of women under age 30 intentionally view pornography at least once every 
    35-49 year-olds are the largest consumer of Internet pornography.
    Current trends show that number to be rising. 
    12% of all websites are porn-related.  ( 
    25% of all search engine requests are sex-related.  (
    35% of all Internet downloads are pornographic.  (
    40 million Americans regularly visit porn sites.  (
    The average age a child first sees pornography is 11.  (
    1 in 3 Porn viewers are women.  (
    90% of 8-16 year olds have viewed porn online. (
    26 Children’s character names are linked to thousands of porn links. 
    80% of 15-17 year olds are having multiple hard-core exposures. 

Let’s Talk Statistics:  PORNOGRAPHY STATISTICS in the Church
    Utah ranks #1 in subscriptions to online porn sites.  (
    The MAJORITY of young men returning from their missions are slipping quickly into 
addiction and we must be ready to support them when 12 step support groups specific to pornography addiction immediately upon return from their mission.” –Dr. Donald Hilton 
    More than 70% of men ages 18 to 34 intentionally visit a pornography site on the 
    internet in a typical month.  
    LDS Therapists consistently agree that those statistics are the same for active LDS 
Church members. “We suspect that the LDS community is not any different from the rest of society when it comes to prevalence or magnitude of sexual addictions.” Dan Gray, director of LifeSTAR (LDS Church News, 2007)
    This means that if we stick with those statistics, which have been collected and 
gathered over years or research, possibly 70% of all the men in elders quorum are looking at pornography each month.   

We cannot afford to think we are safe from the far reaches of pornography. We need sufficient guards, and even then we need to be diligent and watchful to protect the heart of our home. 

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