I feel like a prisoner.
Even though I have older children, I can't leave them alone... not with Knave.
Not only do I fear that he will find a way to access pornography in our home
{regardless of having every filtering software known to man} but Knave has OCD and it seems to get more severe the older he gets.
He can often
{very often} get
stuck in his thought process and
stuck in his ways. If anyone upsets his expectations of
how things are
suppose to go
{according to him} he can lose his temper and rage. Recently he has shown aggression when he has these rages so I worry about leaving my other kids alone with him.
I feel like a prisoner in my own life.
I suppose I remember feeling like this when Mr. Wonderful was acting out in his addiction. When he was lying and sneaking and minimizing and gaslighting. I felt like a prisoner in my marriage and therefore in my life.
But with Mr. Wonderful it felt like an emotional prison.
With Knave it feels like a physical prison.
Both of them are awful.
I am working on solutions to remedy this situation because I don't want to resent my son.
Any suggestions?