Friday, December 20, 2013

Let's Make It Wonderful

I love Christmas.

I have had some pretty terrible and painful Christmases in the past.

I still love Christmas.

I'm not sure if anyone reads my blog but if you are reading then I am talking to you.  I hope you find a way to have JOY this wonderful time of year.  Sometimes it doesn't feel wonderful but it is.  The Savior was born.  The SAVIOR WAS BORN.  How about we make a deal… you, my only reader, and me.  How about the deal be, when it gets hard (because it will), when the triggers and the pain comes (because they will come), then we, you and I, focus on the Savior.  And more specifically, the new born, squeezable chubby, soft baby skinned, baby boy Savior.  I think that will help me… maybe it will help you to.

So what do you say?  Deal?

I want you to love Christmas too.

All my love,
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